- Payment in cash on delivery. Payment in cash is available only in Riga and it’s suburbs. When paying in cash you will be drawn a cheque on the good you have bought.
- Bank payment. The procedure of payment with the help of internet-bank or bank is the following: on the bases of your personal data the bill will be drawn and sent to your e-mail address or, if necessary, fax. The bill will contain all the necessary data for making the payment in internet-bank or branch bank. After having received the information about the repaid bill, we will contact you once more and confirm the time and place of delivery.
- Leasing. You should have a valid passport. Besides that the passport contain data about residence or show the bill that attests place of residence.
In order to make a purchase in leasing, please, fill out the application form and send it with the attached copy of your passport via e-mail: lizings@shopcenter.lv